
First grad of OC’s new HR Post-Bacc reflects on her experience
January 18, 2020
Okanagan College’s first graduating class of the new decade will cross the stage today and among the some 600 grads picking up their parchment will be Elaine Bertram who is celebrating an exciting first for herself and the School of Business. Bertram is the inaugural graduate of the College’s Human Resources Management Post-Baccalaureate Diploma program. “When they told me I was the first graduate of the program I was shocked – but in a good way,” says Bertram. “It's an honour to be the first graduate.” The program, which launch...
OSB alum makes national honour roll for Common Final Exam
January 17, 2020
After 150 hours of studying, Donald Brouwer walked out of his Common Final Examination (CFE) with a sigh of relief. Little did the Okanagan College alum know that just a few months later his name would be listed on the national honour roll, meaning his mark earned him a spot in the top one per cent of successful CFE writers in Canada. Announced in early January, Chartered Professional Accountants Canada shared on their website the 77 writers who earned the honour roll mention, Brouwer being one of nine from British Columbia. “My fi...